New York Times erases Garry Tan's 'die slow' tweet explosion
A glowing profile of Tan's success with executive coaching left out a key detail
A glowing profile of Tan's success with executive coaching left out a key detail
san francisco
SF tech figure goes from progressive to pro-Trump. Not weird at all...
Why do Trump, Thiel and Andreessen want to build new cities?
The fleecing of Trump's MAGA movement enters crypto phase
tech authoritarianism
'Others in San Francisco call it The Nerd Reich'
Trump's VP pick endorses the tactic of dehumanization
The Nerd Reich
The coming battle of 2024
The Nerd Reich has their man in Washington
The California Forever initiative, a.k.a. East Solano Plan, has been pulled from the 2024 ballot in Solano County, California. From Nick McConnell at The Reporter: In the most stunning turn yet in its months-long saga for a new city in Solano County, California Forever abruptly removed the East
Grab the popcorn - it's Gray Tribe movie time
Jan Sramek has a talent for saying disastrous things
Those Trump-loving tech 'moderates'