Balaji Srinivasan launches Network State 'school'

I spent the past week entirely focused on writing my next big story. And I can't wait to share it with you as soon as it's published.
To research this new piece – the latest in my series on the rise of the Network State cult – I read six books and spent months trying to pin down the specifics. The hard work paid off, and the timing worked out perfectly.
I'd like to to thank The Nerd Reich's paid subscribers for providing me with the time and space to do this work. You know who you are! I lift my glass to you.
Last Sunday, Balaji Srinivasan hosted the second annual Network State conference. This year's conference was held in Singapore (last year's was held in Amsterdam). It provided the final pieces of the puzzle I had been trying to put together for my latest story.
Sadly, only one mainstream media outlet bothered to mention the Network State conference. Freelance writer Caroline Haskins wrote a detailed piece about Network State leader Balaji's latest venture, which is a "school" to indoctrinate people into his Network State ideology:
The Network School is one of the most ambitious projects yet for people interested in creating what Srinivasan calls a “decentralized country.” The goal is for people dissatisfied with their own society to band together and create a movement spawning “parallel” societies, special economic zones that have alternative education systems, media institutions, and currency—as well as wealth-friendly tax laws. A crucial step is having physical territory, and the Network School clears that bar. On Sunday, Srinivasan said he is working to “build out the real estate” with the goal of “scaling the school.”
Please read the entire story, "A Mysterious School for the Network State Crowd is Now In Session." (And if you hit a paywall, consider subscribing! We need media outlets that cover tech critically!)

See? I'm not the only person talking about this stuff.
And with crypto companies pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the 2024 election in an effort to buy support from both Democrats and Republicans, you can bet we'll be hearing a lot more about the ol' Network State weirdness soon.
But hey ... let's not get ahead of my next story.
More to come – soon!