Listen: My interview with The New Yorker
Yesterday, I joined Susan B. Glasser, Jane Mayer, and Evan Osnos on The New Yorker's politics podcast. We discussed the work I've done to expose the tech-fascist takeover of the U.S. government.
Click below to listen to The Political Scene on Apple Podcasts:
The Nerd Reich makes the New Yorker
The Nerd Reich makes The New Yorker!
Listen to The Political Scene on WNYC
Listen to The Political Scene on Spotify
From the show notes:
The Washington Roundtable discusses the ideological underpinnings of Elon Musk’s DOGE with the former Democratic operative and San Francisco-based journalist Gil Duran. Duran writes about the so-called cognitive élite, the right-wing Silicon Valley technologists who want to use A.I. and cryptocurrency to unmake the federal government, on his newsletter The Nerd Reich.
This is a tremendous milestone for our small but mighty publication! One year ago, I was writing for myself and a few dozen subscribers. Now our audience has grown exponentially and we're reaching the most influential publications in the country.
A personal note
I've been reading The New Yorker since high school. During my junior year, I had the good fortune to meet writer Jamaica Kincaid when she gave a reading in Lexington, Kentucky. Afterward, we spoke briefly. I don’t remember our conversation, but I do remember that she gave me two signed copies of The New Yorker and told me to never stop writing.
I had never heard of the magazine, but I read those two issues—cover to cover—more than once. I was hooked. Ever since then, I've been a New Yorker reader, whether I was mopping floors or advising governors, mayors, or senators. So this is an especially poignant moment for me—one that energizes me for the long struggle ahead.
Believe me, we’re just getting started. Thanks for being here. Things are about to get very interesting. I promise.
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